Sr. Gertrude's solemn profession at Redwoods Abbey

Running in the Way of God’s Commandments

Sr. Gertrude smiling in White cowl

Sister Gertrude Feick, OCSO, made her Solemn Profession on the Feast of All Saints, November 1, 2021 at Our Lady of the Redwoods Abbey. Sister Gertrude was born in 1964 in Muncie, Indiana. She was solemnly professed in the Benedictine Monastery of Queen of Angels in Mt. Angel, Oregon, before she entered Redwoods Abbey and began the process of transfer in 2017. Friends and family, some from her native Indiana, came to celebrate with the Redwood’s community. Dom Peter McCarthy, OSCO, Father Immediate of Our Lady of the Redwoods Abbey and Abbot of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Carlton, OR, officiated at the profession. He was accompanied at the altar by Abbot Paul Mark Schwan, OCSO and Dom Thomas Davis, OCSO, from Our Lady of New Clairvaux Abbey in Vina CA.

Sr. Gertrude Solemn Profession Mass

The following excerpt from the Evocation given by Abbess Kathy DeVico, at the Solemn Profession expresses beautifully the depth of Sr Gertrude’s commitment:
“Dear Gertrude, we are here because you are taking this step of pronouncing your solemn vows…You know what you are doing, you know what you are surrendering…you are aware that this step is a leap of faith (as every vocation is a leap of faith)….And it is a step you discerned and are ready to take. There is no way you could say ‘yes’ without God silently and, with love, bidding you forth. You have heard, you have experienced, and you are running with the grace given, not without struggle and suffering…but the grace is stronger and the love, the transforming love cannot be quenched…”

Read the entire Evocation here:–november-1-2021

Please pray for Sr. Gertrude and all of our Order’s monks and nuns.

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