Christ in Each One- by the Vocation Director of Mepkin Abbey

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux tells us “It counts for little, however, that you are submissive to God unless you are submissive to every human creature for God’s sake, whether it be the abbot as first superior or to the other officers appointed by him.
I go further and say: be subject to your equals and inferiors. “Thus it is fitting,” said Christ, “That we should fulfill all that righteousness demands in this way.”
If you seek unblemished righteousness, take an interest in the person of little account; defer to those of lesser rank; be of service to the juniors.
When one accepts a call to monastic life, the world of relationships needs to be viewed with new eyes. Jesus came to serve and in serving the brothers in a loving way we sometimes encounter the part of ourselves that realizes we are always learning humility. Each person in the community – each person – is the presence of Christ whom we wish to serve patterning our service on his example.
That this may be challenging is obvious. But herein lies the sacrificial and penitential aspect of the life. Ongoing conversion means we are day by day, moment by moment becoming more like Jesus.