Brother Phillip Enters Novitiate at New Melleray

New Melleray Abbey, Peosta, Iowa- Our community expresses great joy at the clothing and readmission to the novitiate of Br. Philip (Charles Ross). Br. Philip was most recently a resident of Clinton, Iowa, and had spent time in the service as a Marine. He had been a novice with us, but had to leave temporarily to assist his mother during her last illness and death. He has returned and received the habit in a ceremony in the Chapter Room after Vespers on August 15th, the feast of the Assumption.


Br. Phillip receives a hug from Sr. Kathleen as he becomes a novice monk at New Melleray Abbey

Please pray for Br. Phillip and all those responding to God’s call.

For those interested in exploring joining our way of life, we invite you to visit our page Becoming a Trappist