Daily Reflection for August 13, 2020

Abba Agathon also said, 'I have never gone to sleep with a grievance against…

Daily Reflection for August 12, 2020

Abba Agathon said, 'Under no circumstances should the monk let his conscience…

Daily Reflection for August 11, 2020

It was also said of Abba Arsenius that on Saturday evenings, preparing for the…

Daily Reflection for August 10, 2020

Amma Syncletica said, "If you find yourself in a monastery do not go to another…

Daily Reflection for August 9, 2020

Abba Serapion said, "When the soldiers of the emperor are standing at…

Daily Reflection for August 8, 2020

Amma Sarah said, "It is good to give alms for men's sake. Even if it is only…

Daily Reflection for August 7, 2020

A brother questioned Abba Moses saying, "I see something in front of me and I…

Daily Reflection for August 6, 2020

Abba Moses said, "The man who flees and lives in solitude is like a bunch of…

Daily Reflection for August 5, 2020

A brother came to Scetis to visit Abba Moses and asked him for a word. The old…

Daily Reflection for August 4, 2020

A brother at Scetis committed a fault. A council was called to which Abba Moses…