Daily Reflection for August 2, 2018
Abba Macarius said, ‘If slander has become to you the same as praise, poverty…
Daily Reflection for August 1, 2018
Abba Macarius while he was in Egypt discovered a man who owned a beast of…
Daily Reflection for July 31, 2018
Abba Macarius said, ‘If you reprove someone, you yourself get carried away by…
Daily Reflection for July 30, 2018
It was said of Abba Macarius the Egyptian that one day when he was going up…
Daily Reflection for July 29, 2018
When Abba Macarius was returning from the marsh to his cell one day carrying…
Daily Reflection for July 28, 2018
He also said that when Abba Macarius received all the brethren in simplicity,…
Daily Reflection for July 27, 2018
Concerning the devastation of Scetis, Abba Macarius said to the brethren, ‘When…
Daily Reflection for July 26, 2018
Amma Sarah also said, ‘I put out my foot to ascend the ladder, and I place…
Daily Reflection for July 25, 2018
Another time, two old men, great anchorites, came to the district of Pelusia to…
Daily Reflection for July 24, 2018
It was said of Abba Isidore, priest of Scetis, that when anyone had a brother…