New Melleray Abbey
Irish monks from Mount Melleray sank roots in the rich farmland of eastern Iowa near Dubuque, founding New Melleray Abbey in 1849.
In an effort to meet the needs of people in our day, New Melleray makes its Guest House available to people who would like to make quiet, personal retreats. Because of the nature of the retreat setting, we ask that you do not bring radios, or other audio devices, and that you honor the quiet of the place. We encourage guests to follow the monastic practice of silence and separation from the outside world.
The Guest House at New Melleray Abbey has 18 rooms available for guests. On the second floor, there is a small library containing a select collection of books on contemplation and monastic spirituality. We also have a cafeteria that serves three meals a day, as well as a Guest Chapel, conference and meeting rooms, a coffee room, and a Gift Shop.
Contact Us
Vocation Director
Br. Paul Andrew Tanner
6632 Melleray Circle
Peosta, Iowa